Saturday, August 2, 2014

Taekwondo: Way of the Hand and Foot

Okay, I started playing Taekwondo, like what, 3 years ago? Anyway in that span of 3 years I STOPPED. I got bored, it wasn't really my "type" of sport back then. But, I was recruited by Daniella Agacer this summer to join the team. So I said to myself, why not? So I gave it a try. At first I felt socially awkward. I didn't know anyone around me, they were complete strangers to me. WERE. As time went by, I got close to them, I started to slowly consider them as, somewhat, another family. I got so attached to them, that when school was about to start, I became really bummed. Its been 3 months since the last time I saw them, and I am DYING to see them again. Our summer team was composed of different schools. We had players from West Visayas State University, Saint Vincent Ferrer Seminary, Hua Siong, Ateneo de Iloilo, and of course Assumption Iloilo. These people, from these different schools, eventually became family to me. 

The Taekwondo Family.

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