Thursday, August 7, 2014

Why I Blog... Again.

The whole reason why I started blogging... Again, was because of my Journalism teacher, Paul Vincent Geraño. He gave this to us as a requirement for our grade. He's a great teacher, very eccentric if I say so myself. Honestly he's a big part of my highschool life, I've learned a lot from him since the 5th grade. Got most of my grammar right thanks to him, why? Trust me when I say this, you don't want to have wrong grammar in front of him. Sure, he'll get mad at you a lot, but its for our own good. I've only learned to appreciate him now because it took me a long time to realize. Even if his classes are like hell (no offense) but when you get things right, it'll feel like heaven afterwards. Oh, sometimes I feel cocky, knowing that my mom was his teacher back in college. You can visit his blog at Thanks for reading guys, and have a great day! Hahaha!

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